Someone sent me a copy of a proposed 28th amendment to the Constitution. I liked it, so I sent the following letter to my Senators asking their opinion. If you like the proposed amendment, send it to your representatives and get their opinion.
Dear Senator
Please provide your opinion on the following proposed amendment to the Constitution.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".
Thank you in advance for your response.
Michael Wolfe
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Health Care Summit
Like many others I watched some of yesterday's health care summit and I came away saddened and disgusted with our so called representatives in Washington. What a bunch of egocentric bores. Rather than try and start compromising on concrete issues like pre-existing conditions, lower premium rates, tort reform etc, most of the time was spent sniping at one another.
Obama made it clear that he was in charge, but he did not come across as a leader. The majority of the Republicans came across as whiners wanting things their way.
I knew the summit would fail, but there was a part of me that prayed and hoped that maybe this was the time these politicians would put their selfish interests aside and actually try and do something for the good of the country. Of course, since they're politicians it was wishful thinking on my part to think they would attempt to do the actual job they were elected to perform.
From what I saw yesterday it appears that Health Care Reform is a dead issue. The Republicans made it clear they were not going to compromise. Pelosi for the Democrats has never wanted to compromise, so while the DC gang sits on their high horses pontificating why they're right and the other side is wrong, the American people suffer.
In truth, I do not understand what is so difficult. Both sides say the system needs fixing. Then sit down and write down all of the things that are wrong with the system. Next, on an issue by issue basis,list ways that solve that particular issue. Now comes the time for compromise, with a list of solutions there should be some middle ground all can agree on. It does not have to be my way or the highway.
Yesterday's summit only reinforces my belief that term limits need to be mandatory. The people in Congress really think they are far more important than they are. They were elected to be public SERVANTS not little kings and queens. The smirks on their faces, the sarcasm of many of the comments just made me sick.
In November, let's vote as many of them out as possible and start with some fresh blood interested in the well being of America and not themselves.
Its Common Sense!
Obama made it clear that he was in charge, but he did not come across as a leader. The majority of the Republicans came across as whiners wanting things their way.
I knew the summit would fail, but there was a part of me that prayed and hoped that maybe this was the time these politicians would put their selfish interests aside and actually try and do something for the good of the country. Of course, since they're politicians it was wishful thinking on my part to think they would attempt to do the actual job they were elected to perform.
From what I saw yesterday it appears that Health Care Reform is a dead issue. The Republicans made it clear they were not going to compromise. Pelosi for the Democrats has never wanted to compromise, so while the DC gang sits on their high horses pontificating why they're right and the other side is wrong, the American people suffer.
In truth, I do not understand what is so difficult. Both sides say the system needs fixing. Then sit down and write down all of the things that are wrong with the system. Next, on an issue by issue basis,list ways that solve that particular issue. Now comes the time for compromise, with a list of solutions there should be some middle ground all can agree on. It does not have to be my way or the highway.
Yesterday's summit only reinforces my belief that term limits need to be mandatory. The people in Congress really think they are far more important than they are. They were elected to be public SERVANTS not little kings and queens. The smirks on their faces, the sarcasm of many of the comments just made me sick.
In November, let's vote as many of them out as possible and start with some fresh blood interested in the well being of America and not themselves.
Its Common Sense!
Health care,
President Obama,
US Congress
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Senator Mikulski on Afghanistan & Pakistan
I just received a response from Senator Mikulski on the wars in Afghanistan & Pakistan. What's frightening is we appear to agree on several points.
See how you feel about her responses.
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about our involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is one of the most important issues facing our nation and I appreciate hearing your views.
On March 27, 2009 President Obama announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. At its core was a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and eventually defeat al Qaeda and to prevent their return to either Afghanistan or Pakistan. On December 1, 2009 President Obama announced an increase of 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan.
I have no reservations about our troops -- their courage or competence. They will accomplish whatever mission we give them with honor. But I do have grave reservations about sending additional troops to Afghanistan. Our troops are worn out and we are out of money.
There are no simple answers, and no silver bullets for Afghanistan. President Obama rightfully went through a deliberative and thoughtful process to arrive at this strategy. Now Congress needs to ask hard questions to better understand this plan and hold the Administration accountable for progress.
My three key principles going forward are: First, the U.S. commitment cannot be open ended. Second, Afghanistan needs a functional and sustainable government. Third, the Afghans must take the lead in this war.
I continue to have serious concerns about the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and question whether their leaders share the commitment of U.S. forces to combat extremism. I am concerned that Afghanistan seems threatened not only by the Taliban, but by a government that's riddled with cronyism and corruption. The corruption is aiding the booming narcotics trade in Afghanistan and lining the Taliban's pockets. I fear Afghanistan is on its way to becoming a narco-state.
I am also concerned about the safety, treatment, and security of Afghanistan's women. That's why I joined my Senate colleagues to introduce a resolution calling on Afghanistan's leaders to repudiate a law they passed that includes provisions legalizing marital rape and imposing Taliban-era restrictions on Shiite women in Afghanistan. The Shiite Personal Status Law violates the basic human rights of women. American soldiers fight every day to help Afghans create a stable and free nation that can protect and provide for its people. This law is an affront to the sacrifices they make every day. The United States should do everything it can to encourage Afghanistan to respect the basic rights and welfare of women and children.
I also supported the Fiscal Year 2009 Supplemental funding bill because it provides the necessary funding to meet the needs of our troops on the ground and to continue our assistance programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I fully support our troops and will not abandon them while they are on the battlefield or when they come home needing healthcare.
Again, thanks for contacting me. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me again.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
See how you feel about her responses.
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about our involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is one of the most important issues facing our nation and I appreciate hearing your views.
On March 27, 2009 President Obama announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. At its core was a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and eventually defeat al Qaeda and to prevent their return to either Afghanistan or Pakistan. On December 1, 2009 President Obama announced an increase of 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan.
I have no reservations about our troops -- their courage or competence. They will accomplish whatever mission we give them with honor. But I do have grave reservations about sending additional troops to Afghanistan. Our troops are worn out and we are out of money.
There are no simple answers, and no silver bullets for Afghanistan. President Obama rightfully went through a deliberative and thoughtful process to arrive at this strategy. Now Congress needs to ask hard questions to better understand this plan and hold the Administration accountable for progress.
My three key principles going forward are: First, the U.S. commitment cannot be open ended. Second, Afghanistan needs a functional and sustainable government. Third, the Afghans must take the lead in this war.
I continue to have serious concerns about the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and question whether their leaders share the commitment of U.S. forces to combat extremism. I am concerned that Afghanistan seems threatened not only by the Taliban, but by a government that's riddled with cronyism and corruption. The corruption is aiding the booming narcotics trade in Afghanistan and lining the Taliban's pockets. I fear Afghanistan is on its way to becoming a narco-state.
I am also concerned about the safety, treatment, and security of Afghanistan's women. That's why I joined my Senate colleagues to introduce a resolution calling on Afghanistan's leaders to repudiate a law they passed that includes provisions legalizing marital rape and imposing Taliban-era restrictions on Shiite women in Afghanistan. The Shiite Personal Status Law violates the basic human rights of women. American soldiers fight every day to help Afghans create a stable and free nation that can protect and provide for its people. This law is an affront to the sacrifices they make every day. The United States should do everything it can to encourage Afghanistan to respect the basic rights and welfare of women and children.
I also supported the Fiscal Year 2009 Supplemental funding bill because it provides the necessary funding to meet the needs of our troops on the ground and to continue our assistance programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I fully support our troops and will not abandon them while they are on the battlefield or when they come home needing healthcare.
Again, thanks for contacting me. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me again.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
Iraq/Afghanistan Wars,
US Senate
Monday, February 22, 2010
Partisan Politics
The past days I have watched the politicians in Washington DC state that they know what the American people want. If you are a Democrat you state the people want Health Care Reform. If you are a Republican you state that the people want a gradual change.
Who are the American people they are talking to? I know no one has asked my opinion.
Frankly I am tired of the gridlock and the blame game. When will these folks get around to compromising. They all seem to have sticks shoved so far up their butts that they are incapable of bending.
This coming Thursday the President has invited both parties to a televised sit down to discuss Health Care Reform. In truth I expect nothing to come out of it, but it will be interesting to see what tactics are taken so that none of them look bad or insensitive. Health Care Reform is long way away, but lying, whining politicians will always be with us.
I see that the Senate did pass a bill to help jobs but that a majority of Republicans complained that the bill did not cut enough taxes. I don't like paying taxes anymore than the next person, but just how are we going to pay off the national debt, balance the budget and leave a future for our kids if we all don't pitch in? The money to run the country has to come from somewhere and red money from China needs to end.
Once again I want to reiterate a chant I make from time to time - Vote all Incumbents OUT!!!
Its Common Sense!
Who are the American people they are talking to? I know no one has asked my opinion.
Frankly I am tired of the gridlock and the blame game. When will these folks get around to compromising. They all seem to have sticks shoved so far up their butts that they are incapable of bending.
This coming Thursday the President has invited both parties to a televised sit down to discuss Health Care Reform. In truth I expect nothing to come out of it, but it will be interesting to see what tactics are taken so that none of them look bad or insensitive. Health Care Reform is long way away, but lying, whining politicians will always be with us.
I see that the Senate did pass a bill to help jobs but that a majority of Republicans complained that the bill did not cut enough taxes. I don't like paying taxes anymore than the next person, but just how are we going to pay off the national debt, balance the budget and leave a future for our kids if we all don't pitch in? The money to run the country has to come from somewhere and red money from China needs to end.
Once again I want to reiterate a chant I make from time to time - Vote all Incumbents OUT!!!
Its Common Sense!
Health Care Reform,
US Congress,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Senator Mikulski on Medicare & Health Care Reform
I just received the following reply from Senator Barbara Mikulski on Medicare and Health Care Reform.
After you read her response, let me know if this is really long term thinking or are the politicians just trying to postpone the inevitable?
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about Medicare and health care reform. It's great to hear from you.
I want Medicare to remain strong for seniors - now and in the future. If we do nothing, the Medicare Hospital Trust fund will go broke in 2017. The Senate bill extends the life of Medicare by an additional 9 years by enacting rational reforms to modernize and improve the program. Changes also will preserve choice and quality of care, lower costs, and add new benefits. Changes in the Senate bill include:
-providing financial incentives to health providers to reduce preventable hospital readmissions
-providing no-cost preventive benefits so that seniors stay healthy through easy access to preventive services
-reducing overpayments to private Medicare insurers and replacing them with payment bonuses tied to quality and care coordination
I believe we can ensure the solvency of Medicare without creating a financial burden for seniors or providers. Know that I will continue to fight so that our seniors can have access to quality, affordable health care.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a step forward in achieving my four principles of health care reform:
-saving and strengthening Medicare
-ending punitive insurance company practices that deny coverage based on pre-existing health conditions, age and gender
-providing universal access to health care
-emphasizing quality, prevention and integrative health to save lives and save money
Our bill makes also makes it easier for retired workers between 55 and 65 years of age who are not yet eligible for Medicare. It creates a temporary reinsurance program to provide reimbursement to employers who provide health benefits to retirees and their dependents. By enacting insurance reforms that prohibit discrimination based on age or pre-existing health conditions, the bill also makes it easier for early retirees to purchase affordable care. I am committed to making sure the health care needs of retirees are protected.
Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
After you read her response, let me know if this is really long term thinking or are the politicians just trying to postpone the inevitable?
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about Medicare and health care reform. It's great to hear from you.
I want Medicare to remain strong for seniors - now and in the future. If we do nothing, the Medicare Hospital Trust fund will go broke in 2017. The Senate bill extends the life of Medicare by an additional 9 years by enacting rational reforms to modernize and improve the program. Changes also will preserve choice and quality of care, lower costs, and add new benefits. Changes in the Senate bill include:
-providing financial incentives to health providers to reduce preventable hospital readmissions
-providing no-cost preventive benefits so that seniors stay healthy through easy access to preventive services
-reducing overpayments to private Medicare insurers and replacing them with payment bonuses tied to quality and care coordination
I believe we can ensure the solvency of Medicare without creating a financial burden for seniors or providers. Know that I will continue to fight so that our seniors can have access to quality, affordable health care.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a step forward in achieving my four principles of health care reform:
-saving and strengthening Medicare
-ending punitive insurance company practices that deny coverage based on pre-existing health conditions, age and gender
-providing universal access to health care
-emphasizing quality, prevention and integrative health to save lives and save money
Our bill makes also makes it easier for retired workers between 55 and 65 years of age who are not yet eligible for Medicare. It creates a temporary reinsurance program to provide reimbursement to employers who provide health benefits to retirees and their dependents. By enacting insurance reforms that prohibit discrimination based on age or pre-existing health conditions, the bill also makes it easier for early retirees to purchase affordable care. I am committed to making sure the health care needs of retirees are protected.
Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Olympics, Religion, World Peace
Like many people I started watching the coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics this past Friday. I thought it interesting that the only reason Iran participated in the march of nations was because Ireland separated them from Israel.
This got me to thinking. The whole concept of the Olympics is to bring the nations of the world together for friendly sport competition, with the hope of avoiding actual physical confrontations on battlefields.
The same is true of the major religions of the world. All of them preach the importance of peace and harmony. Yet most of the wars that have been fought have called upon a god to lead them to victory against an enemy who is usually either a pagan or infidel.
It is a sad commentary that over the thousands of years of recorded history, of the years technological advances, that man has still not evolved beyond the greedy little child he has always been who wants things his way now.
If the spirit of the Olympics could last more than two weeks maybe there could be hope. However, this morning there is a report that NATO troops in southern Afghanistan killed 12 civilians in a rocket attack that went wrong. Hard to call for peace and harmony when innocent people are killed by accident.
Too bad the world couldn't solve its differences on the playing fields of the Olympics.
Finally, just a reminder to offer a silent prayer for Nodar Kumaritashvili of the Republic of Georgia and his family, in addition to those who lost their lives in world wide fighting this past week.
Maybe if we can use our prayers to God for the common good rather than our selfish designs, the world could truly become a better place.
Its Common Sense!
This got me to thinking. The whole concept of the Olympics is to bring the nations of the world together for friendly sport competition, with the hope of avoiding actual physical confrontations on battlefields.
The same is true of the major religions of the world. All of them preach the importance of peace and harmony. Yet most of the wars that have been fought have called upon a god to lead them to victory against an enemy who is usually either a pagan or infidel.
It is a sad commentary that over the thousands of years of recorded history, of the years technological advances, that man has still not evolved beyond the greedy little child he has always been who wants things his way now.
If the spirit of the Olympics could last more than two weeks maybe there could be hope. However, this morning there is a report that NATO troops in southern Afghanistan killed 12 civilians in a rocket attack that went wrong. Hard to call for peace and harmony when innocent people are killed by accident.
Too bad the world couldn't solve its differences on the playing fields of the Olympics.
Finally, just a reminder to offer a silent prayer for Nodar Kumaritashvili of the Republic of Georgia and his family, in addition to those who lost their lives in world wide fighting this past week.
Maybe if we can use our prayers to God for the common good rather than our selfish designs, the world could truly become a better place.
Its Common Sense!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tele Prompter verse Crib Notes
Which is worse, using a tele-prompter to read your speech, or having crib notes on your hand so that you can remember your talking points? Who cares?
Anyone who has spoken in public knows that to stay on point its good to have some notes available.Others need their written speech available to ensure they do not stray into unsafe territory. Ministers do it all the time. Our elected officials do it all the time. Aren't we glad Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address rather than recite it off the cuff?
I really do not understand all the attention the media is giving to words on Sarah Palin's hand and the fact that Obama, like most presidents before him, use a tele-prompter.
How they present their message is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they present a clear, concise message and that they then go ahead and keep their word. That seems to be the problem to me in this case. Both Obama and Palin have made promises they have not delivered on. Their lack of credibility is not in how they present their message, but rather the fact that they do not follow up on the message.
Let's forget about presentation and concentrate on performance. Has Obama kept his promises? Has Palin offered any practical alternatives? That is what needs to be judged.
Its Common Sense!
Anyone who has spoken in public knows that to stay on point its good to have some notes available.Others need their written speech available to ensure they do not stray into unsafe territory. Ministers do it all the time. Our elected officials do it all the time. Aren't we glad Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address rather than recite it off the cuff?
I really do not understand all the attention the media is giving to words on Sarah Palin's hand and the fact that Obama, like most presidents before him, use a tele-prompter.
How they present their message is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they present a clear, concise message and that they then go ahead and keep their word. That seems to be the problem to me in this case. Both Obama and Palin have made promises they have not delivered on. Their lack of credibility is not in how they present their message, but rather the fact that they do not follow up on the message.
Let's forget about presentation and concentrate on performance. Has Obama kept his promises? Has Palin offered any practical alternatives? That is what needs to be judged.
Its Common Sense!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Snow Storm 2010 - Why Can't the Political Parties Work Together?
The past two days I have spent many hours shoveling out both my house and car. According to a neighbor we got 31 inches of the white stuff here in Reisterstown and I believe him.
I live in a townhouse community, so a next door neighbor is really next door. During these two days we worked together and cleared the sidewalks, freed our cars, and because we do not see a county snow plow we got our street passable.
Now with an aching body, sitting back and reflecting on what was accomplished, I wonder why the gang on Capital Hill cannot do the same thing. Me and my neighbors do not agree on everything, we have our disputes and differences, but when things are bad, differences are put aside and the good of the community comes first.
Why aren't they doing that in D.C.? Frankly, I am tired of the name calling, the blaming and the attacks. Sarah Palin was able to level a lot of criticism at the President while at the Tea Party Convention, but I did not not see her offer any practical solutions to unemployment, health care or anything else.
Finally the President has asked the Republicans to present their Health Care plan - why he did not do that a year ago is beyond me.
Washington needs to get beyond egos and get to the business of cleaning the blizzard in the community and getting everyone moving in the right direction again.
Its Common Sense!
I live in a townhouse community, so a next door neighbor is really next door. During these two days we worked together and cleared the sidewalks, freed our cars, and because we do not see a county snow plow we got our street passable.
Now with an aching body, sitting back and reflecting on what was accomplished, I wonder why the gang on Capital Hill cannot do the same thing. Me and my neighbors do not agree on everything, we have our disputes and differences, but when things are bad, differences are put aside and the good of the community comes first.
Why aren't they doing that in D.C.? Frankly, I am tired of the name calling, the blaming and the attacks. Sarah Palin was able to level a lot of criticism at the President while at the Tea Party Convention, but I did not not see her offer any practical solutions to unemployment, health care or anything else.
Finally the President has asked the Republicans to present their Health Care plan - why he did not do that a year ago is beyond me.
Washington needs to get beyond egos and get to the business of cleaning the blizzard in the community and getting everyone moving in the right direction again.
Its Common Sense!
Friday, February 5, 2010
During his State of the Union Address, President Obama spoke on the unemployment situation and the need to create new jobs. He talked of tax credits for new companies and for companies that move back into the USA.
Many jobs have been lost in this country over the years due to the greed of the owners and the employees/unions. No one ever seemed to be satisfied, both sides always wanted more and rather than compromise, owners either sold out to multi-national corporations or moved their business to a country where they could make $200.00 shoes for .50 a pair. Nothing like a nice profit margin.
Hopefully, those businesses that want to be part of a new economic growth in the country, along with their employees/unions will cooperate from the beginning, making compromises to insure employees are fairly paid and have decent benefits but keep the cost line balanced to keep jobs in this country so that we can once again be selling to the world.
Along with that I am concerned about where the Department of Labor is getting its figures on the number of unemployed in the USA. Today I saw that unemployment dropped to 9.7%. My question is, is this figure based on those who applied for benefits this month, or does this figure show the actual numbers unemployed. My fear is that hundreds of thousands have run out of benefits, given up on employment and are surviving either on Welfare or under the table. If they are not included in the unemployed statistic, then the statistic is worthless.
The government needs to get the actual figure of unemployed so that they can come up with a plan that will truly stimulate the growth of business and jobs in this country.
Its Common Sense!
Many jobs have been lost in this country over the years due to the greed of the owners and the employees/unions. No one ever seemed to be satisfied, both sides always wanted more and rather than compromise, owners either sold out to multi-national corporations or moved their business to a country where they could make $200.00 shoes for .50 a pair. Nothing like a nice profit margin.
Hopefully, those businesses that want to be part of a new economic growth in the country, along with their employees/unions will cooperate from the beginning, making compromises to insure employees are fairly paid and have decent benefits but keep the cost line balanced to keep jobs in this country so that we can once again be selling to the world.
Along with that I am concerned about where the Department of Labor is getting its figures on the number of unemployed in the USA. Today I saw that unemployment dropped to 9.7%. My question is, is this figure based on those who applied for benefits this month, or does this figure show the actual numbers unemployed. My fear is that hundreds of thousands have run out of benefits, given up on employment and are surviving either on Welfare or under the table. If they are not included in the unemployed statistic, then the statistic is worthless.
The government needs to get the actual figure of unemployed so that they can come up with a plan that will truly stimulate the growth of business and jobs in this country.
Its Common Sense!
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