Thursday, April 2, 2009


The G20 met, promised $1.1 trillion to to lend to the poor countries, but decided not to follow the US & Britain idea of giant internal stimulus packages.

Who are the G20? By continent they are:
Africa = South Africa
Asia = China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey
Australia = Australia
Europe = France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, the European Union
North America = Canada, Mexico, the United States of America
South America = Argentina, Brazil
Antarctica = No representation

Now Russia and Turkey are both actually in Asia and Europe but I limited them to one continent.

Looking at these countries what I find a little disturbing is first to realize that more than 90% of the world's wealth is held by these 20 countries. (Actually 19 countries and a multi-country entity.)

Secondly, what I find disturbing is the number of countries on this list that have such wide difference between the few with the wealth and the multitude that is poor. Countries like Indonesia and Mexico have very small middle classes. Brazil, India, and Turkey are seeing the being of a rise in the middle class, whereupon China's rising middle class might start falling back due to the current financial situation.

It is noble that they pledged funds for their poor neighbors, we'll wait and see what the reality of that pledge becomes. For the short amount of time they had together, with the disagreements and lack of unity, it will be interesting to watch how things play out.

You would think that Europe would pull together with a European plan, but that doesn't seem to be happening. The North Americans could band together, after all we have NAFTA, but with the drug wars in Mexico, its very doubtful if anyone will want to work with Mexico, and the Canadians have come out tough, so it looks like the economic recovery is going to be every nation for themselves.

Rather sad commentary that these so called "rich" nations can not come to the world's aid in a crisis like this. Unfortunately things continue as normal, everyone wanting to be top dog and refusing to compromise. These strutting leaders are not the ones who suffer, they'll be comfortable the rest of their lives. Its the people who voted them into office who have to bear the burden of what their greedy colleagues allowed to happen.

Let's hold the leaders accountable, let them know they are being watched, and that there are no guarantees in this world, especially their jobs.

Its Common Sense!

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