Monday, April 27, 2009

Senator Cardin on Illegal Aliens

Senator Ben Cardin - Democrat Maryland - sent the following response to my letter dealing with illegal aliens getting driver licenses in Maryland.
I am surprised that he is actually showing a semi-tough approach. Of course this is talk, we'll see if his actions speak as loud as his words.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for writing to me regarding our country's immigration system.
Our nation's immigration and border security system is broken and must be fixed. We must require illegal immigrants to step forward and become legal and we must better secure our borders. We must restore the rule of law and enhance security at our borders. The Congress and the President must work together to reform our laws . We also must use the full force of the law against employers who hire illegal immigrants.
I support changes to the law that will require illegal immigrants to become legal. They must pay taxes, learn English, and pass criminal background checks. This process won't be easy or quick, but it will be fair and practical. Individuals who came to this country illegally will be bumped to the back of the line behind those who waited to come to this country legally. And illegal immigrants with a criminal record would be deported. Those who refuse to register and meet these con ditions also should be deported.
To secure our borders, the government should require the use of a biometric entry-exit system for all land borders, so that we have an accurate record of who is entering and leaving the United States . We should create a "smart" enforcement regime which will produce more efficient inspections and screenings, and allow us to target and tailor our limited resources to combat illegal smuggling of people and contraband. I supported recent appropriations that provided $1.6 billion for border security fencing, infrastructure and technology, and facility construction, as well as the hiring of 3,000 new Border Patrol agents.
To meet the needs of our workforce and promote family reunification, we should set in place realistic immigration numbers and policies, and clear the backlog of legal visas, green card legal permit resident and citizenship applications. In the last Congress, Senator Feinstein has introduced the "Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits and Security Act" , S. 340, in order to provide for new blue card visas and modify the H-2A program. This year, Senator Mikulski has introduced the "Save our Small and Seasonal Businesses Act" , S. 3 88, to extend the annual cap exemption for returning H-2B workers. While these two bills address key issues in the immigration debate, a comprehensive approach is the only way to adequately deal with this issue.
We can no longer ignore corporations who are hiring and exploiting illegal workers. This practice takes jobs away from Americans and depresses wages for everyone. These unlawful companies must be prosecuted and face stiff criminal and civil penalties. We need smart policies like improved border patrols, full enforcement of our laws, and requiring illegal immigrants to become legal.
The status quo is not working. Allowing 12 million to hide in the shadows and live in this country illegally is unacceptable. Our system must be fixed. Again, thank you for writing to me regarding this important issue. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

Please visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bailouts, Credit Card Interest Rates, Congress

Like most of you, I am getting angry about the bank?credit card company solution to paying back their bailout money. They expect us the consumer to pay ourselves back our tax money that we "lent" to them, so they could get out of the poorly managed situation.

Frustrated with the government's response or lack of, I decided it was time once again to get a letter off to Capital Hill. The letter to my representatives follows. Pleas feel free to us all or part in writing to your own representatives. We the people need to run the government, not the banks. Let's make sure that those we voted into office clearly understand who they are working for.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator,
As you know there has been a lot in the news recently regarding banks/credit card companies increasing their fees and interest rates. A spokesperson for the industry stated that the reason for the increases is so the banks/credit card companies can repay the government as quickly as possible.
Here is my confusion. The bailout money is our tax dollars. The banks are expecting us to pay back our tax dollars. Where is the bank's/credit card companies' responsibility in all of this? I have seen nothing about executive salary limits, elimination of bonuses and other perks. I saw the President meet with the various CEO's but did not get the impression that any of them were going to change the business practices.
Therefore, what I want to know is just what conditions, restrictions and protections you and the rest of Congress put into place before sending out the bailout money?
From what I have seen thus far it appears that nothing was done to protect the US taxpayer. Our money (and the tax dollars of the next two or three generations) was carelessly thrown out to various financial institutions with a smile and a "we know you'll do the right thing."
Frankly, I am very disappointed in the current Congress. First you send out a trillion in bailout. Then you pass a budget that is full of pork, come on railroads from Disneyland to Vegas, give me a break. Now there are rumors of even more bailouts to the banks.
It needs to stop. The taxpayers need relief. Those of us who are employed can only take so much. I know the President has promised no new taxes. Maybe from the federal government. But have you noticed that state taxes and fees are on the rise? Going to the grocery store has become more expensive because growers and sellers have more taxes and fees to pay.
What is needed is a just tax plan. Do not give me back $20.00 a pay from federal income tax, when the state I live in has doubled the price of license registration, increased property taxes, as well as the state income tax.
What we need to see from Washington are concrete solutions. We need to see the banks/credit card companies, and other industries held accountable. Why not inform the banks that CEO's need to cap their salaries at $400,000.00 a year, just like the President of the United States? That left over salary money would go a long way to paying off the bad debt the bank acquired when they were being greedy going after mortgages.
Do not talk in generalities. We do not need more feel good phrases that mean nothing. We need Congress and the President to take charge, hold those who screwed up accountable (I am tired of hearing that the employees at AIG most responsible for that company's collapse are the ones they can not afford to let go. There is no such thing as irreplaceable; there are probably at least ten overly qualified candidates for every position at AIG and the other financial institutions who can do better at a lower cost.)
Help us now! Take action! The American public needs to be protected. If the current Congress can not provide us with the support and protection we need, then come the next election we will have to review other alternatives.
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Senator Mikulski on Executive Bonuses

A little late, but Senator Mikulski finally responded to my question about executive bonuses.

Is it just me, or does it appear that she does not intend to do anything constructive about the situation other than whine and send a letter or two?

I know that's what I'm doing, but until I can fund a campaign and run for office, there's not a hell of a lot else I can do

The senator can do a lot more and she and her colleagues should get on the stick!!

Its Common Sense!

Below is her response.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for getting in touch with me about the bonuses being paid out to executives at financial companies receiving support from the government. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.

The taxpayers need to see that the government is serious about being stewards of their money, and corporate America needs a clear message from Congress that they've got to get serious about working with President Obama to get this economy back on track.

People who played by the rules and trying to run a small business don't have access to credit. They're worried about keeping their jobs. They're losing their life savings. They're worried about holding on to their homes or their health insurance. They've seen irresponsible lending practices and watched Wall Street gamble on risky investments. And they've watched those same executives pay themselves lavish salaries.

My priorities for when the government uses taxpayer dollars are transparency, integrity, and accountability. We need to make sure the money is going to good use. I sent a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of AIG asking his employees to voluntarily give up the bonuses.

Knowing of your views is very helpful to me and I will keep them in mind. If you'd like to read more, I encourage you to visit my website where you can read the transcript of my floor statement on this issue and my letter to the CEO of AIG
Again, thanks for contacting me. Please let me know if I can be of help to you in the future.Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator P.S. If I can be of further assistance in the future,please visit my website at call my Washington D.C. office at 202-224-4654

Monday, April 20, 2009

Senator Mikulski on Climate Change

I do not remember writing to Senator Mikulski about climate changes, but since I write a lot its a possiblity. Anyway, here is the response she sent, either to me or some one else.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about global climate change. It's great to hear from you.

I share your very serious concerns about the threats posed by global warming. I have always been concerned about the effects of global warming on our oceans, forests and wildlife habitats. I understand the broad impacts of climate change on the health of our people and our food and water supply.

That's why I am fighting for a sensible energy plan that includes incentives for new renewable and energy efficient technologies. This plan must decrease our reliance on foreign fossil fuels and significantly reduce global warming pollution.

Most recently I voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (P.L. 111-5) which was signed into law by President Obama on February 2, 2009. The ARRA included over $41 billion to improve the way our country uses, produces and conserves energy. I supported this legislation because I believe in a sensible energy plan that promotes alternative energy and energy efficiency and reduces global warming pollution.

I also want you to know that I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of the Cleaner, Greener, and Smarter Act of 2009 (S.5) which calls for legislation to improve the economy and the security of the United States by reducing U.S. dependence on foreign and unsustainable energy sources and the risks of global warming.

Again, thank you for contacting me. As the Congress addresses the important issue of climate change. You can be sure that I will continue to fight for measures to reduce pollution and fight global warming.Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator P.S. If I can be of further assistance in the future,please visit my website at call my Washington D.C. office at 202-224-4654

Illegal Driver's Licenses

Here is a response from my local delegate regarding illegal aliens and driver licenses in Maryland. Does this make sense?

Dear Mr. Wolfe, Thank you for your e-mail. You are correct in your understanding of the bill's provisions. Maryland (unfortunately) has been one of five states that allows individuals to get driver's licenses without proof that they are here legally. If there had been more yes votes, that would have stopped effective April 19. As to your insurance question - as far as I know, an applicant for insurance doesn't have to provide proof of income. You are correct that an illegal immigrant who has a license can renew his license through 2015. Though since there weren't enough yes votes for the bill, an illegal immigrant could go to MVA before June 1 and get his license renewed for another five years anyway.
Sincerely, Del. Dana Stein

Credit Card Interest Rates

One of the interesting news stories of the past few days is the number of credit card companies that are raising their interest rates, for everyone, good customer, bad customer doesn't matter.

Needless to say, a lot of people are upset with these increases, some as much as 100%. A spokesperson for one of the banks involved, who received bailout money, stated the purpose for the higher interest rates is so the bank will have the money to pay back the government quicker. So the tax payer is being asked to provide the bank the bailout money and then, through high interest rates, pay back their tax money to the government.

I'm confused? How is the bank showing responsibility and new practices if all they are doing is placing the burden on the very folks who bailed them out? I am not reading about the reduction of executive salaries or bonuses in any of these banks. I definitely have not read where loans are being easier to obtain for those who have passed background checks and provided proof of income.

Once again, you have to wonder just what conditions (or lack of conditions) Congress attached to the bailout money. I know that Congress is going to start hearings into the matter. I will be writing to my reps shortly and sharing the letter with you. It will be interesting to see their response, and who they try and blame. Because we know Congress will be innocent. They are just naive and trusting, especially when it comes to our money.

It is time to keep after Congress so they will rein in the banks, or we will find ourselves in another financial crisis in a couple of years and China will not be there to bail us out. (Of course in a couple of years China will probably own the country, so there will be no concerns - except maybe our human rights.)

Speak out and let Congress know what you think. Get rid of high interest credit cards. Try and consolidate to one or two low interest cards and let the banks know why or why not you want to do business with them.

Be vocal, be loud, stand up for your rights.

Its Common Sense!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Iranian Justice (and dual citizenship)

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has publicly stated that reporter Roxana Saberi should be allowed a full defense during her appeal. Evidently, during her initial one day trial, behind closed doors, the Iran government did not feel she was entitled to a full defense.

The fact that Saberi has dual American/Iranian citizenship raises some interesting questions, especially since either side could make the case that she is spying for the other side. Of course, as long as the trial process is behind closed doors, we will never know just what she is accused of and what her defense is.

Diplomatically I do not know the international legal ramifications that are involved. Can the US even make any requests legitimately, since Saberi is an Iranian citizen? Do dual citizens have any additional rights when they are considered citizens of more than one country?

What this really raises of course is the question is whether the practice of dual (or more) citizenship's should be allowed to continued. How do we decide who can have dual citizenship and who can't? An ally this decade could be an enemy next decade and vice versa.

As the world becomes smaller and people travel and work internationally more and more, and marriages occur with more regularity between people of different nationalities, what will be the standard for multiple citizenship's? Should they be allowed, or should a person be forced to declare their loyalty to a single nation?

Or should the world start moving towards a more international view, with things like the European Union, should their be the Alliance of the Americas and more open, more universal view?

Is it time to have a world view and get away from a strictly nationalistic view?

I know a lot of questions and no answers. Share your views. As with all things, open discussion is how good changes are made.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, April 17, 2009


President Obama, after meeting with Mexico's president to discuss many topics, principally how to deal with the drug war on our common border, is off to Trinidad for a meeting of the countries of the Americas. One hot topic is the USA relationship with Cuba. The vast majority of countries feel it is time to end the embargo and for the USA to open normal trade relations with Cuba.

Now I know, Cuba is a communist country, ruled by a dictator and has a poor record on human rights. Thank God we do not have trade relationships with other countries who fall into that category. (Forget about China, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Not to mention those that aren't communist but a definitely are run by dictators and have no human rights.)

I think the time has come for the USA to let Cuba back into the fold. After all, some of the most successful business people in southern Florida are Cuban. Let them head home and maybe they can help stimulate the economies of both countries. If we open relations with Cuba, the Castro boys will be forced, slowly but surely, to relinquish power, just like it happened in all of the Iron Curtain countries.

The time has come to forget about being mad the CIA misjudged that Castro would oust Batista, the nose bleed of the Bay of Pigs and the bad mouthing Fidel has given us for decades. Let's grow up and move forward. For our economy to revive, we need good trading relationships with our Americas neighbors. Opening up trade and travel with Cuba is an enormous good well gesture that will cost us very little in the long run.

Its Common Sense!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Driver Licenses for Illegal Aliens in Maryland

Here is the first response I received from one of my local delegates discussing Maryland's law on driver licenses for illegal aliens. Notice he doesn't say how it began, only that it has to stop to be in compliance with Federal law. Except for those who already have licenses.
Please read and let me know what you think.

It doesn't make Common Sense to me!

Thank you for your note on HB 387. The bill passed the House and Senate. The bill is not perfect but was a necessary compromise to bring the State into compliance with Federal requirements under the Real ID Act and the regulations promulgated by the Department of Homeland Security.

HB 387 halts the issuance of new licenses to individuals that cannot prove lawful presence in the US and who cannot provide a valid social security number as of April 19, 2009. It also directs the MVA to establish a security plan to protect licensing materials and licensees' information; require criminal history background checks for certain MVA employees; and training for employees in fraudulent document recognition and security awareness.

Finally, and most controversially, HB 387 does allow current licensees who cannot prove lawful presence or show a valid social security number to renew their MVA license, permit or ID card for a non-Federally compliant document. They must prove their identity and Maryland residency and their license, permit or ID must not be suspended or revoked for other reasons. After July 1, 2015 these licenses will no longer be valid.

You may read the bill at .

I value constituent input and hope you will continue to share your thoughts and concerns with me. Please feel free to contact me or my legislative director, Mary Lou Cole, regarding this or any other issue.
Dan K. Morhaim, M.D.
Delegate, District 11

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Driver License for Illegal Immigrants

The legislature of the State of Maryland (my state) voted to continue issuing valid driver licenses to illegal aliens until June 1, 2009. They will also renew licenses for those illegals who already obtained a license.
I sent the following letters to my senators in DC and my representatives in Annaplois. As you will see, I find the whole business rather frightening. I think we are giving too much away trying to be "nice".
Please read and make your own decision.
After all - Its Common sense!

Dear Senator
Below is the message I sent to my representatives in Annapolis when I learned the state of Maryland is going to continue the practice of giving valid driver licenses to illegal aliens until June 1. What is Homeland Security's view of providing valid documents to illegals? Is the state of Maryland in violation of Federal law by providing legal documents to illegals who are not only migrant workers, but also criminals and terrorists?I find the situation very distrubing from a security point of view, especially with the problems currently on the USA/Mexico border. I appreciate your response.The message I sent to Annapolis follows.

Dear Representative
I just read that the State of Maryland passed the following legislation.

The bill bans anyone who cannot prove they are in the United States legally from obtaining a driver's license starting June 1. Had the bill passed by a three-fifth majority that ban on new licenses would have taken effect this Sunday.The bill will allow the estimated 350,000 illegal immigrants who currently have driver's licenses to renew them, until July 1, 2015, when they would expire, unless the immigrant obtained legal status.The renewed license would be labeled "not federal complaint" and could not be used as ID to board a plane.

How are illegal aliens currently able to obtain a valid Maryland driver's license? What documentation do they have to present? How does the state differentiate between illegal worker and illegal terrorist?So until June 1 any illegal alien in the country can come to Maryland and get a valid driver's license which will be a legal document and allow them access to air travel as citizens. Is that correct?Just what insurance companies are insuring these illegal aliens? After all, they do not have valid visas, Social Security Numbers, Tax IDs or anything else to show they have an income. So how are they getting insurance?The real kicker, besides from the insult of actually giving licenses, is that the state plans to renew them. Sure, they have "not federal complaint" but who cares? I find it shocking that our legislature is so worried about money that they have opted to put national security on the back burner and allow anyone who can provide the fee a driver's license with no questions asked.No wonder guns are headed to Mexico, illegal aliens can use a valid Maryland license to go to gun shows in Virginia and buy as many weapons as they want with no background check. (I saw 60 Minutes this week - National Security is a wonderful thing that all state governments seem to be supporting.)Needless to say, I like many others are sadly disappointed with the legislature's decision to give rights to illegal aliens that legal citizens in Maryland are not entitled to. I wonder whose interests the representatives in Annapolis are representing, we the taxpayers who have to fund the state and keep things going, or the lobby for illegals, who evidently have campaign funds available, even though their "constituents" do not pay taxes, Social Security or Medicare and who are draining the resources of state because no one is holding them accountable or enforcing the law.I for one will be reviewing voting records before the next election and giving serious thought to who I want as my representative in Annapolis. Your job is to look out for the legals not the illegals. We'll review your record and make our decision.YoursMichael Wolfe

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates of the Indian Ocean

Quick action by Navy SEALs saved the US merchant marine captain who had been held by Somali pirates. What I did not realize until more of the story came out is that the Somali pirates still hold more that 220 sailors from various countries as well as more than a dozen ships captured off the Somali coast waiting for ransom.

How is that possible in this day and age? The naval powers in the world, the USA, Britain, China, France and Russia, need to forget about their differences and create an international strike force to wipe out the Somali privates once and for all. Once they are done there they can head to deal with the pirates who operate out of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

If necessary, merchant ship should be provided with a platoon of marines from their home country to provide protection until the threat of piracy is eradicated.

Now I know a lot of ships sail under flags of convenience, especially Panama and Liberia. In their case the ship owners may have to hire private protection companies to provide security. There are enough of them in world today.

The important thing is to put the pirates permanently out of business. They are another group of terrorists. Their goal is money rather than world change to an idealism.

The time has come to fight back with no quarter. Take the beach, free the hostages and kill the pirates.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Puppy in the White House

I read that the Obama girls finally got their puppy, a six month old Portuguese water dog, a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy. It will be interesting to see if animal activists attack the Obama family the same way they did the Biden family when they went to a breeder to get their new German Shepherd puppy, rather than go to a rescue.

Evidently, the activists verbally attacked the Bidens and the breeder, forcing the breeder to go into hiding because of threats of violence.

Where are peoples priorities? I know there are a lot of animals in shelters because of the irresponsibility of the people who originally took them or breed them and then decided it was more than they could handle. However, if someone wants a pet, be it a dog, cat, horse, cow, hamster or whatever, its their right to get the one they want from the source they want.

What I don't understand is why these animal activists aren't more concerned about the abused and abandoned children in this country. Children in orphanages, children forced to live with abusive parents, drug addicts and alcoholics. Couldn't they put their efforts into updating the human adoption system in this country, rather than get stressed over the animal adoption policy?

Why isn't there an outcry about Americans adopting foreign children - thank you Madonna and Angelina Jolie - rather than helping those here at home, many in situations just as bad, if not worst than those overseas? What is the problem with the adoption policy in this country that we can't take care of our own?

I'm all for animal rights, but human rights should be our priority. Let's get the abandoned and abused children housed and protected, then we can put our efforts into saving the animals.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Additional funding for war

President Obama is requesting supplemental funds to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as to provide domestic aide to several of the countries in the region, including Pakistan.

Needless to say, I am confused. I thought all spending requests were going to be in the budget. Seems to me that Obama was a harsh critic when Bush requested supplemental funds and keep them separated from the budget.

Of course, once you're in the Oval Office your view of the world changes noticeably. The high hopes Obama promised are beginning to fade. American troops out of Iraq in 19 months, well, not all of the troops, some kind of defensive/reactionary force will need to stay in place. How many for how long?

Dialogue with the rest of the world. Off to a good start, but thus far only smiles, no real support for the war on terror or the world depression due to the collapse of the international economy.

I know the rest of the world is feeling Obama out, he's the new kid on the block and the others want to test him and see how strong or weak he really is. We can only watch and see if the world changes its opinion of the United States.

Guantanamo prison. Closing in a year. Where will the prisoners go? Will they be put on trial, released or hidden away out of sight? Just what kind of justice will the Obama Administration offer these "terrorists"? (After all, in the United States you are innocent until proven guilty, right?)

And of course there is national economy. Debt, debt consolidation, taxes, unemployment, green
jobs and very thing else domestically.

Anyway, where is this additional money to come from? How big a debt do we have to endure? When will the tax crunch hit those of us who are working, paying our mortgages and trying to keep the economy flowing.? Twenty bucks less in taxes a pay is not a stimulus. Showing control in spending and taking control of government spending is the true stimulus the country needs.

We need to tell the president ENOUGH! There is no more money to spend. A billion in relief to Pakistan should be going to help unemployed coal miners in West Virginia and Kentucky.
Why build schools in Afghanistan when we have American Indian reservations in this country that have no schools for their children?

We need to start giving here at home, fixing what's broken here, guaranteeing a quality of life to our legal citizens before we take on the problems of the world.

Its time for America first!

Its Common Sense!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Kudos to Gates

I give Secretary of Defense Gates credit for making budget cuts in programs that we cannot afford with the present financial situation. Does the president need a new helicopter? No, the one he has is just fine, just keep up the maintenance. Billions for attack jets? Looks to me like Afghanistan is going to be a ground war. Let's take care of the boys and girls on the ground and leave the fancy flying machines for another day.

Finally someone at the Pentagon is showing the courage to tell the industrial complex enough is enough. Too much money has been wasted on projects that never are completed for the original bid. Its time the Defense department gets tough and holds industry to their word. If they cannot honor their bid, then they need to return the money and let someone who can get the job done.

I hope that other departments follw Defense's lead and start making the necessary cuts to help out our country in this time of need.

With interagency cooperation America just might be back on its feet in a couple of years.

Its Common Sense.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

North Korea in space

North Korea says it put a satellite into space today, broadcasting tunes from their loonytoon leader as well as taking measurements of the earth's surface.

The USA and Japan state that the satellite, if there actually was one, never made it to space, but along with the other stages of the missile, fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Needless to say people are upset, especially since North Korea has nuclear capabilities, and Mexico, which is the acting lead for the UN Security Council is calling an emergency meeting this afternoon.

Will there be sanctions? (Do they work?) Will China veto any attempt at sanctions? (Its hard to know what the Chinese are thinking or plotting.)

As President Obama continues his first international tour more pressure is putting foreign policy to the forefront and pushing domestic policy to the back. Unfortunately, our government needs to get the domestic issues resolved before it can devoted the time it needs to foreign issues.

We have already seen applause from the Europeans for the new war on terror plan, just not a lot of financial or physical support. Which puts the burden on the back's of the American tax payer, who frankly do not have too much back to offer.

While the Administration needs to keep a wary eye on international fronts, it needs to concentrate on the home front. Let's get America strong and secure internally, then we can go out and take on the world.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NATO in Afghanistan

President Obama was able to get the NATO leadership to commit five thousand more short term troops to fight the war against terrorism in Afghanistan. Unfortunately these will not be combat troops. These will be police and trainers for the Afghan military.

Currently NATO has the International Security Assistance Force in place. Their original mandate was to control and protect Kabul. Their role has expanded but they are more of a defensive force as opposed to an attack force, which is what is needed if Al Qaeda is to be brought down quickly.

It appears that the USA, Britain and Canada will be the ones providing most of the attack forces for the new phase of the war on terrorism, and of course the majority of these troops will be from the USA.

I find it interesting that those European countries who have suffered at terrorist hands - Britain, Spain, France, and Germany are not willing to make a bigger troop commitment.

I know that Britain has done their share, especially in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. And I know that Spain had a small contingent in Iraq and politics about that war caused trouble for their government.

However, this new war on terrorism is something totally different. The mistakes of the past need to stay in the past and everyone needs to stay focused on the present mission - the eradication of Al Qaeda and all their supporters. This is war to bring security to the world. This is no long about national sovereignty, this is about people being able to enjoy life without the threat of radical militants killing for the sake of killing.

My hope is that as this campaign begins that success will change the mind of our NATO allies and that they will commit additional combat troops so that the mission can be completed quickly and efficiently with the hope of peace coming to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Together NATO just might be able to bring about a real difference to the world.

We'll wait and see.

Its Common Sense!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The G20 met, promised $1.1 trillion to to lend to the poor countries, but decided not to follow the US & Britain idea of giant internal stimulus packages.

Who are the G20? By continent they are:
Africa = South Africa
Asia = China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey
Australia = Australia
Europe = France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, the European Union
North America = Canada, Mexico, the United States of America
South America = Argentina, Brazil
Antarctica = No representation

Now Russia and Turkey are both actually in Asia and Europe but I limited them to one continent.

Looking at these countries what I find a little disturbing is first to realize that more than 90% of the world's wealth is held by these 20 countries. (Actually 19 countries and a multi-country entity.)

Secondly, what I find disturbing is the number of countries on this list that have such wide difference between the few with the wealth and the multitude that is poor. Countries like Indonesia and Mexico have very small middle classes. Brazil, India, and Turkey are seeing the being of a rise in the middle class, whereupon China's rising middle class might start falling back due to the current financial situation.

It is noble that they pledged funds for their poor neighbors, we'll wait and see what the reality of that pledge becomes. For the short amount of time they had together, with the disagreements and lack of unity, it will be interesting to watch how things play out.

You would think that Europe would pull together with a European plan, but that doesn't seem to be happening. The North Americans could band together, after all we have NAFTA, but with the drug wars in Mexico, its very doubtful if anyone will want to work with Mexico, and the Canadians have come out tough, so it looks like the economic recovery is going to be every nation for themselves.

Rather sad commentary that these so called "rich" nations can not come to the world's aid in a crisis like this. Unfortunately things continue as normal, everyone wanting to be top dog and refusing to compromise. These strutting leaders are not the ones who suffer, they'll be comfortable the rest of their lives. Its the people who voted them into office who have to bear the burden of what their greedy colleagues allowed to happen.

Let's hold the leaders accountable, let them know they are being watched, and that there are no guarantees in this world, especially their jobs.

Its Common Sense!