Monday, January 26, 2009

Financial Crisis Continues

Approximately 50,000 workers are being laid off by some of the big names - Caterpillar, Home Depot, GM (again), Sprint and some others. Obama wants his stimulus package passed and is going to meet with the Republican leadership tomorrow in an attempt to sell them on the plan.

Of course the Republicans did not come out and vote for Tim Geithner, who won 60 to 34 (who are the six missing votes?) to be Secretary of the Treasury. We already know I am not pleased with the choice, but he's in, so all we can do is hope he lives up to the hype Obama gave him.

Hopefully he will be able to tell what happened to the first 350 billion given to Wall Street and the Banks, before he gives out the second 350 billion, not to mention the final 850 billion Obama is fighting for.

Seems there should be much better controls over so much money. Let's see if the Democrats do better than the Republicans.

It appears that Obama's first 100 days are going to be a lot more shaky than he ever imagined.
All we can do is hope that he and his team call the right shots and get things rolling positively again.

Its Common Sense!

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