Saturday, January 10, 2009

Common Sense (1776)

January 10, 1776 is when Thomas Paine of the Virginia Colony printed the pamphlet "Common Sense", explaining why the American colonies no longer needed to be dependent on England.

Ironic, isn't it, that today we have allowed the USA to become dependent on foreign energy sources and foreign capital to run our government and companies. Just how independent are we today? Can the USA stand alone?

Now I know the early government received loans from France and Holland and a few other countries. It appears we have always needed some kind of foreign money. But how long should it continue and how dependent do we want to become?

As the Obama economic team lays out their plan all I see are big $$$$ coming from outside and putting us in a situation where our beliefs and ethics could be put in doubt. After all, we have cut back on talking about China's human rights violations because the government wants the money.
What other compromises will we make for money?

All of us need to reflect on what our true needs are and just what sacrifices we are willing to make.

When all is said and done, we all have to look in the mirror in the morning - are you pleased with the inner person you are looking at?

If not, make the changes so you can be pleased.

Its Common sense!

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