Sunday, December 13, 2009

Senate Budget

Sunday the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill. This is to keep the government working. Of course there is a hell of a lot of pork included but that's expected. Our representatives certainly love to spend our great grand children's' money.

What really upsets me is that now Congress wants to raise the debt ceiling, now at $12.1 trillion, to $14 trillion, so the Treasury can continue to borrow.The question is, who is going to continue to lend the USA money?

The Democrats in Congress are getting crazier and crazier and yes, I will be writing in the next day or so.

Where is fiscal responsibility? Why are there still pork projects? When are these people going to lead rather than be guided by greed?

Remember this $1.1 trillion has nothing to do with the proposed Health Care Reform bills. God only knows what the final price tag to the American tax payer will be when all is said and done.

The country is facing a financial crisis - the highest unemployment on record, home foreclosures all over the place, small companies failing, some big companies collapsing as well and Congress's solution is let's spend more.

Maybe some of these senators and congress people need to be put on the unemployment line so that they can taste the reality of millions of Americans.

Congress needs to wake up to reality and get their heads out of the stars (or a part of their anatomy.)

At the same time we need to start making noise because its our money not theirs.

Share your thoughts and ideas, we need to work together to save the country from the dreamers on Capital Hill.

Its Common Sense!

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