I wrote the following letter to my senators regrading the health care reform bill. Please feel free to us all or any part of it when writing to your legislators.
They need to answer some questions and be held accountable for their actions.
Its Common Sense!!
Dear Senator
The Health Care Reform Bill was able to pass through the Senate along party lines. In all probability the Senate Democrats and House Democrats will be able to work out a compromise between their two bills and have the votes to present a Congressional bill to the President in a couple of months.
Several things about this bill bother me.
1. The rush - all we have been hearing is how important it is for this legislation to be passed and we have seen the midnight oil burning at the Capital to demonstrate the importance of this legislation. If it is so important why will it go into effect in 2013? Why aren't you taking the time to get all of the details right at the beginning so that when the President signs on the dotted line it can go immediately into effect?
2. Medicare and Medicaid - as I have stated in previous correspondence, I do not believe there can be any effective health care reform until the government proves it can manage Medicare and Medicaid. Currently there are billions of dollars stolen every year from both programs in fraud scams. Recently a news show interviewed members of a special FBI investigation unit in southern Florida, as well as some of the criminals they caught who revealed how easy it was to steal from Medicare and Medicaid.
Before there can be reform, the government has to be properly managing Medicare and Medicaid. If the government can not clean up the fraud in those programs, then the current reform will only generate more fraud, and increase the tax burden on an already over burdened populace.
3. Lack of bi-partisan support - the fact that not one Republican will sign onto to the bill makes me nervous. I know there are ideological differences but if the true goal of this bill is to better things for the American public, then why are no Republicans on board? Is this really a bill for the good of the American public or is this to make President Obama and the Democrats look good for the short term?
4. Cost - who foots the bill? I heard that my premiums will be rising. My fear is that with the 2013 start date insurance companies will be free to raise premiums as high as they want, just like the banks have gone crazy in raising interest rates on credit cards. Congress failed to protect us from the banks - even though our tax money bailed them out - and I fear that the insurance companies will follow the lead of the banks.
What assurances can you offer that my medical premiums will not become unaffordable and that I will be forced into a plan that offers less coverage?
Do you honestly believe that this bill is the best thing for the American people, that it will truly be cost effective and that it will not put our country deeper into debt?
I eagerly await your response.
Happy New Year!
Michael Wolfe
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Flying Terrorists
The news is once again filled with a story about an "alleged" terror attack on an airline. I use the term "alleged" because the young Nigerian in question, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, although charged has not been convicted.
The fact that the explosive and syringe were found on him, not to mention the fact that he started a fire, makes him guilty to me, and rather than waste the expense of a trial, I think he should be sent off to that maximum security prison in Illinois where the rest of the Gitmo gang is probably headed.
What I want to know, is if the young man was on a potential terrorist list, did USA Intelligence share this with Netherlands Intelligence? Was Abdulmutallab on a Europe wide alert list, or did the USA fail to share the information?
If a flyer is on the terrorist watch list, does TSA routinely take these individuals aside and do body searches, or do they mainly follow normal procedure? If someone is on a terrorist watch list I want to know why they are no subjected to a body search as part of the normal routine.
After all, if you are on some kind of suspicious terrorist watch list, then logic tells me this individual needs to be subjected to special attention whenever they use public transportation. In my mind that means trains and buses, as well as airplanes.
Which leads to another question, what precautions are in place for train and bus travel?
Since Abdulmutallab boarded his final flight in Amsterdam I will be curious to see what hearings in the USA Congress will resolve. Will Netherlands Intelligence share what they find out about whether Abdulmutallab obtained the explosives in the Netherlands, or did he bring them from Nigeria? Will Nigerian Intelligence share anything they find out about Abdulmutallab and his activities in Nigeria?
If USA Intelligence does not get the whole story, then the gaps are going to be hard to fill in.
Finally, what effect will all of this have on air travel in the USA? Will we be forced to more detailed searches and longer delays?
What is the best method to protect American flyers with the least amount of inconvenience?
I will be writing to my senators with specific questions and I will share the letter and any responses.
If the USA is going to truly fight a world wide war on terror, then we and the rest of the world need to start cooperating fully to bring about a victory in this long running war.
Its Common Sense!!
The fact that the explosive and syringe were found on him, not to mention the fact that he started a fire, makes him guilty to me, and rather than waste the expense of a trial, I think he should be sent off to that maximum security prison in Illinois where the rest of the Gitmo gang is probably headed.
What I want to know, is if the young man was on a potential terrorist list, did USA Intelligence share this with Netherlands Intelligence? Was Abdulmutallab on a Europe wide alert list, or did the USA fail to share the information?
If a flyer is on the terrorist watch list, does TSA routinely take these individuals aside and do body searches, or do they mainly follow normal procedure? If someone is on a terrorist watch list I want to know why they are no subjected to a body search as part of the normal routine.
After all, if you are on some kind of suspicious terrorist watch list, then logic tells me this individual needs to be subjected to special attention whenever they use public transportation. In my mind that means trains and buses, as well as airplanes.
Which leads to another question, what precautions are in place for train and bus travel?
Since Abdulmutallab boarded his final flight in Amsterdam I will be curious to see what hearings in the USA Congress will resolve. Will Netherlands Intelligence share what they find out about whether Abdulmutallab obtained the explosives in the Netherlands, or did he bring them from Nigeria? Will Nigerian Intelligence share anything they find out about Abdulmutallab and his activities in Nigeria?
If USA Intelligence does not get the whole story, then the gaps are going to be hard to fill in.
Finally, what effect will all of this have on air travel in the USA? Will we be forced to more detailed searches and longer delays?
What is the best method to protect American flyers with the least amount of inconvenience?
I will be writing to my senators with specific questions and I will share the letter and any responses.
If the USA is going to truly fight a world wide war on terror, then we and the rest of the world need to start cooperating fully to bring about a victory in this long running war.
Its Common Sense!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
President Obama's Campaign Promises
President Obama during a recent interview with Oprah gave himself a B+ for his performance to date. Needless to say, I think he has given himself a very favorable curve, especially based on what I have seen of his performance to date.
Troops are being pulled out of Iraq, but at a slower rate than promised and now it appears that more will be staying than in the original plan.
The USA's commitment to Afghanistan has increased with the ordering of an additional thirty thousand troops, not to mention billions in finanical aid. Where is the end of al-Quada and the Taliban?
There are still prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) even though the President promised it would be closed in the first year of his Administration. There is talk of the prisoners being moved to a high security facility in Illinois, but nothing has been finalized.
Health Care Reform is an on going battle being fought along clearly partisan lines. What happened to the spirit of cooperation and unity in government?
Where are the new jobs? Where are all the new Green businesses? Unemployment has slowed down, but for millions nothing has improved.
Where are strong regulations to control banks? They are paying off the bail out money, paying employees big bonuses, increasing interest on credit cards, withholding loans for home buyers, and taking no precautions for the future. Why is the Obama Administration not making things tougher on Wall Street?
Other areas not going well. Obama failed to bring the Olympics to Chicago. Personally I do not think he should have even gone to plead the city's case, but the fact is he went and lost. Not a pretty picture.
Obama receives the Noble Peace Prize but no one, including himself, understands why. Regardless of the justification supplied by the Noble Committee, it still looks like Obama got the prize based on future hopes as opposed to any real action he has performed to date.
Climate control and saving the environment. Obama went to Copenhagen and failed miserably. Now,to be fair he tried, but it is evident other world leaders do not hold him in that high esteem because he could not even get the nations to agree to an enforceable plan. In truth, it looks like business will continue as always and future generations will pay the price for the greed of their ancestors.
Overall, I give Obama a C-. A lot of talk, a lot of promises but very little to show.
He got elected by people who really thought he was different, that he was more than just another politician, that he was a man of his word and that he would make things happen. Having been part of the system he knew how it worked, so he should only have promised what he knew was doable. Instead, he stayed a politician wanting to win and has put us in our current situation.
Understand that I know he can do nothing on his own. He has to deal with the Congress. But having been a part of Congress he knew what obstacles he would be up against and he should have been honest about them up front. Instead he gave the impression that he could overcome the obstacles and thus far he has failed miserably.
The real challenge for Obama is to see if his Administration can turn things around or he could end up being another one term president.
Actions speak louder than words, now Obama's actions need to live up to his words.
Its Common Sense!
Troops are being pulled out of Iraq, but at a slower rate than promised and now it appears that more will be staying than in the original plan.
The USA's commitment to Afghanistan has increased with the ordering of an additional thirty thousand troops, not to mention billions in finanical aid. Where is the end of al-Quada and the Taliban?
There are still prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) even though the President promised it would be closed in the first year of his Administration. There is talk of the prisoners being moved to a high security facility in Illinois, but nothing has been finalized.
Health Care Reform is an on going battle being fought along clearly partisan lines. What happened to the spirit of cooperation and unity in government?
Where are the new jobs? Where are all the new Green businesses? Unemployment has slowed down, but for millions nothing has improved.
Where are strong regulations to control banks? They are paying off the bail out money, paying employees big bonuses, increasing interest on credit cards, withholding loans for home buyers, and taking no precautions for the future. Why is the Obama Administration not making things tougher on Wall Street?
Other areas not going well. Obama failed to bring the Olympics to Chicago. Personally I do not think he should have even gone to plead the city's case, but the fact is he went and lost. Not a pretty picture.
Obama receives the Noble Peace Prize but no one, including himself, understands why. Regardless of the justification supplied by the Noble Committee, it still looks like Obama got the prize based on future hopes as opposed to any real action he has performed to date.
Climate control and saving the environment. Obama went to Copenhagen and failed miserably. Now,to be fair he tried, but it is evident other world leaders do not hold him in that high esteem because he could not even get the nations to agree to an enforceable plan. In truth, it looks like business will continue as always and future generations will pay the price for the greed of their ancestors.
Overall, I give Obama a C-. A lot of talk, a lot of promises but very little to show.
He got elected by people who really thought he was different, that he was more than just another politician, that he was a man of his word and that he would make things happen. Having been part of the system he knew how it worked, so he should only have promised what he knew was doable. Instead, he stayed a politician wanting to win and has put us in our current situation.
Understand that I know he can do nothing on his own. He has to deal with the Congress. But having been a part of Congress he knew what obstacles he would be up against and he should have been honest about them up front. Instead he gave the impression that he could overcome the obstacles and thus far he has failed miserably.
The real challenge for Obama is to see if his Administration can turn things around or he could end up being another one term president.
Actions speak louder than words, now Obama's actions need to live up to his words.
Its Common Sense!
Green Energy,
Health care,
Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
Senate Health Care Bill
It appears that the Democrats in the Senate are just about ready to pass their version of a health reform bill. Evidently there has been a lot of back room negotiating and compromising but Senator Harry Reid is promising a bill to the President by Christmas Eve.
The fact that evidently no Republicans have sign on, even Olympia Snow, makes me wonder if we really want to place the future of our health care in partisan hands. If all bi-partisan efforts have failed, do we really want to be saddled with a plan that will pass with the barest majority necessary?
Of course, once it comes out of the Senate, then the Senate and House will need to come together and work out the differences between their two bills, so that a final plan can be presented to the President.
Will the House go a long with the Senate, or are we in for some more long nights and backroom deals?
Will a finalized bill ever reach the President?
I am curious to see what the final result of all of this will be. I think that in the end the two houses of Congress will not be able to come to an agreement and that President Obama will once again have failed to deliver on a campaign promise.
I am going to try and read through the new bill the Senate wants to pass, although I have a feeling I will not get far. The language really gets to be a problem. Maybe Congress needs to pass a law that all legislation needs to be written in terms the average American can understand without assistance from an attorney.
Congress is suppose to make laws for the people, the people should be able to read the laws.
Its Common Sense!
The fact that evidently no Republicans have sign on, even Olympia Snow, makes me wonder if we really want to place the future of our health care in partisan hands. If all bi-partisan efforts have failed, do we really want to be saddled with a plan that will pass with the barest majority necessary?
Of course, once it comes out of the Senate, then the Senate and House will need to come together and work out the differences between their two bills, so that a final plan can be presented to the President.
Will the House go a long with the Senate, or are we in for some more long nights and backroom deals?
Will a finalized bill ever reach the President?
I am curious to see what the final result of all of this will be. I think that in the end the two houses of Congress will not be able to come to an agreement and that President Obama will once again have failed to deliver on a campaign promise.
I am going to try and read through the new bill the Senate wants to pass, although I have a feeling I will not get far. The language really gets to be a problem. Maybe Congress needs to pass a law that all legislation needs to be written in terms the average American can understand without assistance from an attorney.
Congress is suppose to make laws for the people, the people should be able to read the laws.
Its Common Sense!
Health Care Bill,
Health Care Reform,
US Congress,
US Senate
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Democrats and Health Care Reform
Just when you thought the Democrats in the Senate were going to join together and pass the health care bill they assure us the country really needs, they fall apart.
Howard Dean comes out of left field to state the bill in a fraud and useless. Others are raising issues regarding abortion coverage, others about the lack of a national option and others, well they just want their couple of minutes of TV time.
John McCain came out on the Senate floor to let everyone know he is in agreement with Howard Dean about the need to start the health care package at square one.
Independent Joe Lieberman was shocked when he asked for additional time to speak, thinking it was an automatic and new Minnesota Senator Al Franken objected. Evidently Al had heard enough from the Senator from Connecticut and wanted to give the floor to someone else.
Now some of the Senate leaders are threatening to stay in session through Christmas to get the legislation to pass. I doubt that will happen.
What I think may happen is that all of the work of both the House of Representatives and the Senate will come to naught, the crisis in Afghanistan will heat up (especially if the rumor of a possible coup in Pakistan proves true) and health care will be placed on the back burner, just like when Clinton tried.
The fact that the Democrats cannot or will not united on a bill which is so important to their Democrat President shows just how bad things are getting.
Let's hope that the differences they are fighting over are real and not just political. Let's hope that no one is putting their campaign for reelection above the needs of the American people.
If their hesitation to vote in favor is based on conscience and the true best interest of the American people, then more power to them. However, if their motivation is for self serving purposes, then I hope their constituents see through them and vote them out of office. They are not the kind of representatives we want or need on Capital Hill.
Its Common Sense!
Howard Dean comes out of left field to state the bill in a fraud and useless. Others are raising issues regarding abortion coverage, others about the lack of a national option and others, well they just want their couple of minutes of TV time.
John McCain came out on the Senate floor to let everyone know he is in agreement with Howard Dean about the need to start the health care package at square one.
Independent Joe Lieberman was shocked when he asked for additional time to speak, thinking it was an automatic and new Minnesota Senator Al Franken objected. Evidently Al had heard enough from the Senator from Connecticut and wanted to give the floor to someone else.
Now some of the Senate leaders are threatening to stay in session through Christmas to get the legislation to pass. I doubt that will happen.
What I think may happen is that all of the work of both the House of Representatives and the Senate will come to naught, the crisis in Afghanistan will heat up (especially if the rumor of a possible coup in Pakistan proves true) and health care will be placed on the back burner, just like when Clinton tried.
The fact that the Democrats cannot or will not united on a bill which is so important to their Democrat President shows just how bad things are getting.
Let's hope that the differences they are fighting over are real and not just political. Let's hope that no one is putting their campaign for reelection above the needs of the American people.
If their hesitation to vote in favor is based on conscience and the true best interest of the American people, then more power to them. However, if their motivation is for self serving purposes, then I hope their constituents see through them and vote them out of office. They are not the kind of representatives we want or need on Capital Hill.
Its Common Sense!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Senator Mikulski on Health Care Reform
As the battle tightens up in the senate over Health Care reform, and Democrats begin courting Independent Joe Lieberman for his vote, I received a letter from senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland regarding my concerns.
After you read it let me know if it makes you feel better about the proposed bill because all it left me was depressed, frightened and confused.
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about health care reform. It's great to hear from you.
Health care is one of the most important issues facing families and our economy. We need to:
?reduce health care costs for families, business and government
?protect people's choice of doctors, hospitals and health plans
?assure affordable, quality health care for all Americans
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) represents the combined efforts of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) and the Senate Committee on Finance. This bill takes a giant step forward in providing health care that is available, undeniable and affordable for all Americans.
There are many issues being discussed as part of health care reform. I will keep your views in mind as we continue our work on this important issue.
Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
After you read it let me know if it makes you feel better about the proposed bill because all it left me was depressed, frightened and confused.
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
Thank you for getting in touch with me about health care reform. It's great to hear from you.
Health care is one of the most important issues facing families and our economy. We need to:
?reduce health care costs for families, business and government
?protect people's choice of doctors, hospitals and health plans
?assure affordable, quality health care for all Americans
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) represents the combined efforts of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) and the Senate Committee on Finance. This bill takes a giant step forward in providing health care that is available, undeniable and affordable for all Americans.
There are many issues being discussed as part of health care reform. I will keep your views in mind as we continue our work on this important issue.
Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.
Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator
Clear Health Plan,
Health Care Reform,
Health Cost,
US Senate
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Senate Budget
Sunday the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill. This is to keep the government working. Of course there is a hell of a lot of pork included but that's expected. Our representatives certainly love to spend our great grand children's' money.
What really upsets me is that now Congress wants to raise the debt ceiling, now at $12.1 trillion, to $14 trillion, so the Treasury can continue to borrow.The question is, who is going to continue to lend the USA money?
The Democrats in Congress are getting crazier and crazier and yes, I will be writing in the next day or so.
Where is fiscal responsibility? Why are there still pork projects? When are these people going to lead rather than be guided by greed?
Remember this $1.1 trillion has nothing to do with the proposed Health Care Reform bills. God only knows what the final price tag to the American tax payer will be when all is said and done.
The country is facing a financial crisis - the highest unemployment on record, home foreclosures all over the place, small companies failing, some big companies collapsing as well and Congress's solution is let's spend more.
Maybe some of these senators and congress people need to be put on the unemployment line so that they can taste the reality of millions of Americans.
Congress needs to wake up to reality and get their heads out of the stars (or a part of their anatomy.)
At the same time we need to start making noise because its our money not theirs.
Share your thoughts and ideas, we need to work together to save the country from the dreamers on Capital Hill.
Its Common Sense!
What really upsets me is that now Congress wants to raise the debt ceiling, now at $12.1 trillion, to $14 trillion, so the Treasury can continue to borrow.The question is, who is going to continue to lend the USA money?
The Democrats in Congress are getting crazier and crazier and yes, I will be writing in the next day or so.
Where is fiscal responsibility? Why are there still pork projects? When are these people going to lead rather than be guided by greed?
Remember this $1.1 trillion has nothing to do with the proposed Health Care Reform bills. God only knows what the final price tag to the American tax payer will be when all is said and done.
The country is facing a financial crisis - the highest unemployment on record, home foreclosures all over the place, small companies failing, some big companies collapsing as well and Congress's solution is let's spend more.
Maybe some of these senators and congress people need to be put on the unemployment line so that they can taste the reality of millions of Americans.
Congress needs to wake up to reality and get their heads out of the stars (or a part of their anatomy.)
At the same time we need to start making noise because its our money not theirs.
Share your thoughts and ideas, we need to work together to save the country from the dreamers on Capital Hill.
Its Common Sense!
Irresponsible behavior,
National Debt,
Random Thoughts on President Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize
Clearly as surprised as the majority of the world, President Obama was selected to be this year's winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Newly elected to office, he has not done anything yet, although in the time between being named the winner and going to Oslo to accept the prize, he did order another thirty thousand combat troops into Afghanistan. As for the withdrawal from Iraq, I am unclear if it is moving on schedule or not.
To his credit, President Obama shared his surprise and then gave what I considered to be a fairly good acceptance speech, which followed along the lines of St Paul's just war theory.
However, the bottom line is, he should never have even been a candidate for the prize. One has to wonder about the motives of the selection committee. Were they so happy to see President Bush replaced with a younger, perhaps more opened and more world visioned individual? Did they think the United States deserved some kind of an award for electing a bi-racial president?
I don't know. I just wish they had selected someone else, because now there will be additional unneeded pressure placed on Obama to prove he is truly a peacemaker.
With our current economic situation, the unemployment rate, the debate over health care and the two ever present wars, Obama in having enough trouble trying to keep the peace within the United States, much less through out the world.
A side note, totally unrelated, but something that has been bothering me, is the First Lady's taste in clothes. The off greens and weird yellows just do nothing for her. Call me a traditionalist but I think she looks much better in a single colored gown of black or dark red. These combination colors or the whole yellow to beige group needs to be thrown out.
Doesn't she have consultants? Let's hope her wardrobe improves.
I know, that's my opinion and means very little, but I needed to get it out.
As for the President and peace, we will just have to wait and see if the strategy he has formulated will play out the way he hopes. If it does not, then its back to the drawing board and yet another new war strategy. Let's hope this one works, after eight years we need to get things finished once and for all and bring our troops home for good.
Its Common Sense!
To his credit, President Obama shared his surprise and then gave what I considered to be a fairly good acceptance speech, which followed along the lines of St Paul's just war theory.
However, the bottom line is, he should never have even been a candidate for the prize. One has to wonder about the motives of the selection committee. Were they so happy to see President Bush replaced with a younger, perhaps more opened and more world visioned individual? Did they think the United States deserved some kind of an award for electing a bi-racial president?
I don't know. I just wish they had selected someone else, because now there will be additional unneeded pressure placed on Obama to prove he is truly a peacemaker.
With our current economic situation, the unemployment rate, the debate over health care and the two ever present wars, Obama in having enough trouble trying to keep the peace within the United States, much less through out the world.
A side note, totally unrelated, but something that has been bothering me, is the First Lady's taste in clothes. The off greens and weird yellows just do nothing for her. Call me a traditionalist but I think she looks much better in a single colored gown of black or dark red. These combination colors or the whole yellow to beige group needs to be thrown out.
Doesn't she have consultants? Let's hope her wardrobe improves.
I know, that's my opinion and means very little, but I needed to get it out.
As for the President and peace, we will just have to wait and see if the strategy he has formulated will play out the way he hopes. If it does not, then its back to the drawing board and yet another new war strategy. Let's hope this one works, after eight years we need to get things finished once and for all and bring our troops home for good.
Its Common Sense!
Iraq/Afghanistan Wars,
World leadership,
World Peace
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Medicare Reform/Healthh Care Reform
I read an article regarding a plan to allow people to receive Medicare coverage at age 55. Having always considered Medicare a retirement health plan I am confused with allowing people to receive it ten years earlier than is the current policy. I do not see how the change is financially sound and how in the long run it will help anyone.
Due to my doubt I decided to write the President and my senators for clarification. Copies of the letters follow. Feel free to use all or any part when contacting your representatives. We need to know how all of this is going to be paid for before it get's totally out of control.
Its Common Sense!
Dear Mister President
Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate and your administration want to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.
Thank you.
Dear Senator
Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate wants to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.
Thank you.
Due to my doubt I decided to write the President and my senators for clarification. Copies of the letters follow. Feel free to use all or any part when contacting your representatives. We need to know how all of this is going to be paid for before it get's totally out of control.
Its Common Sense!
Dear Mister President
Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate and your administration want to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.
Thank you.
Dear Senator
Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate wants to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.
Thank you.
Health Care Bill,
Health Care Referendum,
US Senate
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Senator Mikulski on Women's Health Care
Thought I would share the following from Senator Mikulski's newsletter.
Mikulski Amendment Guarantees Women Access to Affordable Preventive Care
Last week, the Senate put women first in health care reform when it passed my amendment to guarantee women access to preventive care and screenings at no cost. It was the first amendment considered and approved in the Senate's debate on health care reform.
We must end the punitive practices of the private insurance companies that treat simply being a woman as a preexisting condition. That's why I support the Senate health reform bill and why I introduced my amendment. In the United States of America, health care is a women's issue. Health care reform is a must-do women's issue, and health insurance reform is a must–change women's issue.
Too often women face the punitive practices of insurance companies that charge women more and give them less in benefits. A 25–year–old woman pays more for health insurance than her male counterpart of the same health status. A 40–year–old woman pays almost 35 percent more for her insurance than a man of similar age and health status.
More than half of American women report that they skip or delay needed care due to cost. My amendment guarantees that women of all ages will receive, at no cost, an annual women's health exam, which will include screenings for the leading causes of death for women — cancer, heart disease, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes.
Right now, insurance company bureaucrats decide what preventive services will be covered for women. But we know that early detection saves lives, curtails the expansion of disease, and, in the long run, saves money. That's why my amendment expands key preventive services for women based on recommendations of women's health experts - scientists and doctors - and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and the Health Resources and Services Administration.
And under my amendment, decisions about preventive care and screenings - like mammograms - will be made between a woman and her doctor in a medical office. It will not be made by an insurance company, a member of Congress or by a stranger.
Without this amendment, there would be no guarantee that women under 50 would be covered for mammograms, no guarantee of an annual women's health exam that would include screenings for heart disease, and no guarantee that women would have access to this preventive care at no cost. Insurance companies have used every trick in the book to deny coverage to women. This amendment makes sure that the insurance companies must cover the basic care that women need at no cost.
It's a big step forward. But with votes on the final legislation ahead, the fight's not over yet. Women can count on me to keep fighting for them on the Senate floor and all the way to the White House to end punitive insurance company practices that discriminate against women in the insurance marketplace.
Mikulski Amendment Guarantees Women Access to Affordable Preventive Care
Last week, the Senate put women first in health care reform when it passed my amendment to guarantee women access to preventive care and screenings at no cost. It was the first amendment considered and approved in the Senate's debate on health care reform.
We must end the punitive practices of the private insurance companies that treat simply being a woman as a preexisting condition. That's why I support the Senate health reform bill and why I introduced my amendment. In the United States of America, health care is a women's issue. Health care reform is a must-do women's issue, and health insurance reform is a must–change women's issue.
Too often women face the punitive practices of insurance companies that charge women more and give them less in benefits. A 25–year–old woman pays more for health insurance than her male counterpart of the same health status. A 40–year–old woman pays almost 35 percent more for her insurance than a man of similar age and health status.
More than half of American women report that they skip or delay needed care due to cost. My amendment guarantees that women of all ages will receive, at no cost, an annual women's health exam, which will include screenings for the leading causes of death for women — cancer, heart disease, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes.
Right now, insurance company bureaucrats decide what preventive services will be covered for women. But we know that early detection saves lives, curtails the expansion of disease, and, in the long run, saves money. That's why my amendment expands key preventive services for women based on recommendations of women's health experts - scientists and doctors - and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and the Health Resources and Services Administration.
And under my amendment, decisions about preventive care and screenings - like mammograms - will be made between a woman and her doctor in a medical office. It will not be made by an insurance company, a member of Congress or by a stranger.
Without this amendment, there would be no guarantee that women under 50 would be covered for mammograms, no guarantee of an annual women's health exam that would include screenings for heart disease, and no guarantee that women would have access to this preventive care at no cost. Insurance companies have used every trick in the book to deny coverage to women. This amendment makes sure that the insurance companies must cover the basic care that women need at no cost.
It's a big step forward. But with votes on the final legislation ahead, the fight's not over yet. Women can count on me to keep fighting for them on the Senate floor and all the way to the White House to end punitive insurance company practices that discriminate against women in the insurance marketplace.
Health Care Bill,
Health Care Reform,
US Senate
Monday, December 7, 2009
Iranian Student Protest
Iranian students are protesting against the current administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and clerics who actually control Iran. The University of Tehran has been put under a virtual lock down, surrounded by the militia and police, as well as the Republican Guard.
The students feel that the government is repressing them and not allowing them to be free to express themselves.
For those in my age group this is a form of deja vue. Remember the late '70's when the students at Tehran University were protesting against the Shah and how he was not allowing them the freedom to express themselves? Remember how those same students became the beginning of the Republican Guard and stormed the United States Embassy, terrorizing the employees and causing then President Jimmy Carter to order a failed rescue attempt that cost him his chance for reelection?
It is the children of the '70's protesters who are now protesting what has happened to their country? Did their parents allow the pendulum to swing too far in the opposite direction or do this youths have more insight than their parents and a desire for a truly better world?
I hope it is the second. I also hope that the students and their supporters will be able to bring about reform and the beginnings of a true democracy in Iran.
It will take time, all things like this do, but with the proper support, these young protesters just might be able to pull off the change in Iranian politics that the USA and Europe have been unable to sway.
Let's support the youth and hope for the best.
Its Common Sense!
The students feel that the government is repressing them and not allowing them to be free to express themselves.
For those in my age group this is a form of deja vue. Remember the late '70's when the students at Tehran University were protesting against the Shah and how he was not allowing them the freedom to express themselves? Remember how those same students became the beginning of the Republican Guard and stormed the United States Embassy, terrorizing the employees and causing then President Jimmy Carter to order a failed rescue attempt that cost him his chance for reelection?
It is the children of the '70's protesters who are now protesting what has happened to their country? Did their parents allow the pendulum to swing too far in the opposite direction or do this youths have more insight than their parents and a desire for a truly better world?
I hope it is the second. I also hope that the students and their supporters will be able to bring about reform and the beginnings of a true democracy in Iran.
It will take time, all things like this do, but with the proper support, these young protesters just might be able to pull off the change in Iranian politics that the USA and Europe have been unable to sway.
Let's support the youth and hope for the best.
Its Common Sense!
World Politics
Saturday, December 5, 2009
President Karzai and the Ally Deadline
Afghan President Hamid Karzai states that he has no problem with the withdrawal plan of the USA and NATO troops from his country in eighteen months. Even though it is unlikely Afghanistan will have time to train the approximate 250,000 soldiers they will need to continue the fight against the Taliban and al Quada, President Karzai is confident the Afghan people can take the initative and be ready.
Another interesting statement he made involves the Taliban. He stated that he has always wanted to open negations with the Taliban and that it has been th USA that has blocked the initiative.
Interesting. I suggest that President Karzai clean up the nepotism and corruption in his administration before meeting with the Taliban. After all, the Taliban way be extremist nuts but they frown on corruption and deceit, two things very prevalent in the current Afghan government.
I hope that President Karzai is serious about cleaning up his act and working with the the world aide agencies to better the condition of the people of Afghanistan. At the same time I hope he makes a real effort to create a true coalition government of the various tribes that make up Afghanistan and that he cooperates with the USA and NATO in what should be a very intense eighteen months.
Let us hope that the effort of the next eighteen months leads to the beginning for a democratic Afghanistan where all are truly equal. Or, at least more equal than they have ever been in the past.
If Karzai does not cooperate and reform, then our human and material treasures will have been wasted in Afghanistan and that is unacceptable.
Its Common Sense!
Another interesting statement he made involves the Taliban. He stated that he has always wanted to open negations with the Taliban and that it has been th USA that has blocked the initiative.
Interesting. I suggest that President Karzai clean up the nepotism and corruption in his administration before meeting with the Taliban. After all, the Taliban way be extremist nuts but they frown on corruption and deceit, two things very prevalent in the current Afghan government.
I hope that President Karzai is serious about cleaning up his act and working with the the world aide agencies to better the condition of the people of Afghanistan. At the same time I hope he makes a real effort to create a true coalition government of the various tribes that make up Afghanistan and that he cooperates with the USA and NATO in what should be a very intense eighteen months.
Let us hope that the effort of the next eighteen months leads to the beginning for a democratic Afghanistan where all are truly equal. Or, at least more equal than they have ever been in the past.
If Karzai does not cooperate and reform, then our human and material treasures will have been wasted in Afghanistan and that is unacceptable.
Its Common Sense!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Afghanistan Surge - HELP!!!
I watched President Obama's speech this evening regarding sending an additional thirty thousand troops to Afghanistan to put down the Taliban and al Qaeda while giving the Afghan people a chance for something better.
A nice speech but vague. I wrote and sent the following letter to the President and then a similar one to my senators. They follow below.
If you have similar concerns, feel free to use all or part in your own correspondence with the President and your representatives. It's out fortune and future they appear to be using frivolously and they need to be called to task.
Its Common Sense!
Dear President Obama,
I watched your speech this evening regarding the actions you are planning for Afghanistan. I have two things I would like you to explain to me.
You spoke of American and NATO troops working with Pakistani troops against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Where are the troops from the Moslem countries? Where are the troops from Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Indonesia?
Should not these countries be participating in putting an end to fanatic religious terrorists?
Should not these countries be showing the world that they are against fanaticism and that Islam is a religion of peace not war? Why are you and NATO allowing them to stand on the sidelines? Why have you not forced them to commit themselves?
Fighting terrorism is not the USA and Europe's job, it's a world job and the world needs to participate.
This brings me to my second concern. How is our country going to pay to maintain over one hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan for at least the next eighteen months, if not longer? Unemployment is off the charts, which means tax revenues are going to be down. Your administration is pushing for costly health care reform, and our debt is out of sight.
Do you plan to borrow more from the Chinese? Do you plan to increase the taxes of those of us fortunate enough to still be employed?
When does fiscal responsibility begin? Do you really believe your great grandchildren want to pay the debt you are creating?
This war needs to be fought, but the world needs to participate, either with troops or gold. Call the world to task and help the American tax payer.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe
Dear Senator
I watched the President's speech this evening regarding the actions he is planning for Afghanistan. I have two things I would like you to explain to me.
The President spoke of American and NATO troops working with Pakistani troops against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Where are the troops from the Moslem countries? Where are the troops from Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Indonesia?
Should not these countries be participating in putting an end to fanatic religious terrorists?
Should not these countries be showing the world that they are against fanaticism and that Islam is a religion of peace not war? Why is the United States and NATO allowing them to stand on the sidelines? Why has the United States not forced them to commit themselves?
Fighting terrorism is not the USA and Europe's job, it's a world job and the world needs to participate.
This brings me to my second concern. How is our country going to pay to maintain over one hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan for at least the next eighteen months, if not longer? Unemployment is off the charts, which means tax revenues are going to be down. The Obama Administration, along with the majority of Democrats in Congress are pushing for costly health care reform, and our debt is out of sight.
Do you plan to borrow more from the Chinese? Do you plan to increase the taxes of those of us fortunate enough to still be employed?
When does fiscal responsibility begin? Do you really believe your great grandchildren want to pay the debt our government is creating?
This war needs to be fought, but the world needs to participate, either with troops or gold. Call the world to task and help the American tax payer.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe
A nice speech but vague. I wrote and sent the following letter to the President and then a similar one to my senators. They follow below.
If you have similar concerns, feel free to use all or part in your own correspondence with the President and your representatives. It's out fortune and future they appear to be using frivolously and they need to be called to task.
Its Common Sense!
Dear President Obama,
I watched your speech this evening regarding the actions you are planning for Afghanistan. I have two things I would like you to explain to me.
You spoke of American and NATO troops working with Pakistani troops against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Where are the troops from the Moslem countries? Where are the troops from Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Indonesia?
Should not these countries be participating in putting an end to fanatic religious terrorists?
Should not these countries be showing the world that they are against fanaticism and that Islam is a religion of peace not war? Why are you and NATO allowing them to stand on the sidelines? Why have you not forced them to commit themselves?
Fighting terrorism is not the USA and Europe's job, it's a world job and the world needs to participate.
This brings me to my second concern. How is our country going to pay to maintain over one hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan for at least the next eighteen months, if not longer? Unemployment is off the charts, which means tax revenues are going to be down. Your administration is pushing for costly health care reform, and our debt is out of sight.
Do you plan to borrow more from the Chinese? Do you plan to increase the taxes of those of us fortunate enough to still be employed?
When does fiscal responsibility begin? Do you really believe your great grandchildren want to pay the debt you are creating?
This war needs to be fought, but the world needs to participate, either with troops or gold. Call the world to task and help the American tax payer.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe
Dear Senator
I watched the President's speech this evening regarding the actions he is planning for Afghanistan. I have two things I would like you to explain to me.
The President spoke of American and NATO troops working with Pakistani troops against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Where are the troops from the Moslem countries? Where are the troops from Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Indonesia?
Should not these countries be participating in putting an end to fanatic religious terrorists?
Should not these countries be showing the world that they are against fanaticism and that Islam is a religion of peace not war? Why is the United States and NATO allowing them to stand on the sidelines? Why has the United States not forced them to commit themselves?
Fighting terrorism is not the USA and Europe's job, it's a world job and the world needs to participate.
This brings me to my second concern. How is our country going to pay to maintain over one hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan for at least the next eighteen months, if not longer? Unemployment is off the charts, which means tax revenues are going to be down. The Obama Administration, along with the majority of Democrats in Congress are pushing for costly health care reform, and our debt is out of sight.
Do you plan to borrow more from the Chinese? Do you plan to increase the taxes of those of us fortunate enough to still be employed?
When does fiscal responsibility begin? Do you really believe your great grandchildren want to pay the debt our government is creating?
This war needs to be fought, but the world needs to participate, either with troops or gold. Call the world to task and help the American tax payer.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe
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