Thursday, September 10, 2009

President Obama's Health Care Reform Speech

Last night I watched the President's address to the joint session of Congress. I was hoping for more substance and was disappointed. In truth, I wish he would present his own bill to Congress and let the debate start with one solid piece of proposed legislation, rather than waste so much time with the bits and pieces coming out of the various committees.

That being said, a few of his statements have me concerned. I do not believe this administration, or any administration for that matter, will ever be able to effectively and efficiently police and wipe out the fraud against Medicare and Medicaid. It has not been done in forty years, why should it start now?

Still harboring many doubts I sent the following letter my senators and a similar one to the President. Please feel free to use all or any part in writing to your representatives and the President. Health Reform is needed, but the Washington gang has to do it right so we don't pay for it forever.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator,
Please see the quote below.

House Democrats offered a bill that the Congressional Budget Office said would add $220 billion to the deficit over 10 years. But Democrats and Obama administration officials claimed the bill actually was deficit-neutral. They said they simply didn't have to count $245 billion of it — the cost of adjusting Medicare reimbursement rates so physicians don't face big annual pay cuts.
Their reasoning was that they already had decided to exempt this "doc fix" from congressional rules that require new programs to be paid for. In other words, it doesn't have to be paid for because they decided it doesn't have to be paid for.
The administration also said that since Obama already had included the doctor payment in his 10-year budget proposal, it didn't have to be counted again.

Is this true? How can you not count the $245 billion? When will you in Washington deal with real money like the rest of us?

Once again I want to state that I think the first thing Congress should do is prove that they can actually control Medicare and Medicaid abuse and show the American public the actual, real savings. Once Congress proves they can not only save, but also prosecute the abusers of Medicare and Medicaid, then will be the time to push forward the rest of the Health Care Reform agenda.

The American public has heard enough rhetoric. We are tired of building an unmanageable debt for our grandchildren and becoming a stooge for the Chinese.

Show us you can control what you have before asking for more. We do not need more bureaucracy. We need the bureaucracies already in place to function efficiently, effectively, and within their budgets.

No more new agencies until the old ones start performing according to their Statutes.

Put up or shut up. No more money until you prove you can not only control the budget but make it break even.

Thank you.

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