Saturday, August 22, 2009

Afghanistan Election

Thursday the people of Afghanistan held their second national election since the USA and her allies kicked the Taliban out of power. This election did not go as smoothly as the first and their are reports of violence and intimidation. However, even though fewer people voted this go round more than fifty percent did, which shows that the majority still want some form of democracy where they have a say in how they will live.

I give a lot of credit to the women who bravely went forth to cast their ballots, knowing that they are marked and if the Taliban ever regains power they will pay dearly for their bravery.

I also give credit to the members of families who voted their conscience rather than the mandate of the family or village elder.

Once again, members of a struggling democracy show their courage under fire - literally and figuratively - and they deserve credit for their effort.

Their courage then raises the question, should USA and NATO forces continue to be a presence in Afghanistan or is it time to withdrawal?

I know its a hard question to answer. In Iraq, where USA withdrawals are underway, we see reports of the daily escalation of violence and there are very few who do not believe that Iraq will fall into a civil war once the USA and her allies pull out entirely.

I believe the same will be true in Afghanistan. The various regions and tribes will be at each others' throats, as they have been for centuries. Maybe that is the thing the West needs to realize and work with.

The in fighting in places like Iraq and Afghanistan is centuries old, and although it may seem senseless and stupid to us in the West, for the people involved it has a deep meaning.

Rather than troops, guns, and bullets the West should be stressing, rebuilding, education, sanitation and decent jobs. Hopefully, an educated people will talk first, rather than shoot first, and hopefully out of that will come discussion, debate and finally compromise, but hopefully not thousands of deaths.

Once again I fear our leaders have failed to look at history and attempt to help following a historical perspective as opposed to the "we know what's right for you" perspective.

We in the West and especially the USA, need to allow people to create their own national identities, not to merely copy ours, because in our ego we think ours is a perfect democracy, where in truth we know there are many flaws.

We need to support Iraq and Afghanistan with food, medicine, and education, but we have to allow them to fight their own internal battles so that they will be able to create the kind of democracy that is best for them.

Its Common Sense!

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