Sunday, November 30, 2008

Somali Pirates

The Somali pirates are getting bolder and going after bigger prey. Due to the shipping lanes that pass the east coast of Africa, ships that cannot pass through the Suez Canal have to make their way down the African East Coast to reach the Atlantic Ocean and European, and American ports of call.

Recently the Indian Navy got tough but now there are reports that the ship they sank may not have been a pirate vessel.

My opinion is that the countries who are having their shipping threatened need to band together, as the USA and Swedes did in the early 1800's to take out the Tripoli Pirates. (At that time the English and French were busy fighting each and bribed the pirates to leave their shipping alone.)

Now, too much is at risk to allow a bunch of ignorant pirates to take over oil tankers and freighters, kill crewmen and demand ransoms.

Swift action needs to be taken to go into the pirate bases and destroy the individuals involved.

The history of the seas shows that when pirates overstepped their bounds, whether it was the Spanish Main, the Mediterranean or Southeast Asia, the powers of civilization moved in and destroyed them.

The world is too volatile to allow this kind of action to continued unchecked. One day they will take an oil taker and create an environmental disaster. The nations of the world need to band together, move quickly and destroy the threat.

Pirates, like terrorists, are a threat to all of us and we need to move on a united front to eradicate them.

Its Common Sense!

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