Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Obama Show

I watched the Obama show last night and it was okay. He rehashed everything he has been talking about. Laid out his plans for energy, health care, education, the military, getting America on the right track. What he failed to do was explain how he was going to pay for his plans. So many billion a year for new energy initiatives, higher salaries for teachers, benefits for companies who keep jobs in the country. How does he plan to pay for all of these programs?
The man talks a good game - I just want to see his budget and how red it is going to be.

I agree with what he says needs to done. I just want to make sure we can pay for it with out becoming a province of China.

On another note, as promised, I sent an epistle to my senators and Congressional representative to let them know what I think about the banks paying bonuses.
If you agree with me, please copy the letter, adapt it as you want and send it on to your representatives. A nation gets the government it deserves - I forget what famous individual said that - but they are correct.

As you will see, I have let the gang in D.C. know that it may be time to clean house. If enough of us get together, we just might make it happen.

Power to the People!!

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator
On the news the other night the special banks - Goldman Sachs etc, - who accepted "bailout" money revealed that they still intended to pay out this year's bonus to their employees. The average bonus for a low level employee is $100,000.00. Who knows how the amount increases as you ascend the hierarchy. Some of the banks claim they set the bonus money aside prior to requesting federal assistance. Maybe all of them did.

If that is the case, if they had what must add up to millions of dollars available to pay these bonuses, why do they need my tax dollars to bail themselves out of a jam?I always believed you paid someone a bonus for a job above and beyond the call of duty. Losing fortunes and heading towards bankruptcy do not seem to be reasons to receive a bonus.There was no job well done - if it wasn't for the American taxpayer a lot of these people would be pounding the pavement.

What protections are in place to assure us taxpayers that our money is not going to be paid out as a bonus (an amount more than both my wife and I earn) to some greedy banker who screwed up?Are the banks going to be forced to use this "bonus reserve" to stabilize their situation before being allowed access to federal funds (my tax dollars) or is Congress going to allow the bonuses to be paid and let the banks continue with "business as usual?"

Senator, we tax payers deserve more than we are getting. We did not create the problem. Poor oversight on your (Congress's)part allowed the greedy banks to create the problem and yet you expect us, not them, to pay for the crisis. Not only are the banks' hierarchy getting away with murder, they are putting us into an enormous debt to China and other foreign countries.

America is falling and it is the lack of leadership in the White House and Congress that has brought us to this terrible time.What specifically is going to be done to insure the banks don't use out money for bonuses?What is being done - specifically - to hold bank management accountable for the situation their greed has caused?

If things don't get better, we taxpayers will need to have our voices heard. This coming Tuesday would be a good time for us to get out and let Washington know our dissatisfaction. Maybe its time to clean out Congress and start over.We deserve service and protection. Thus far Congress and the White House have failed to provide either to the citizens of the country.

Michael Wolfe

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